Profile Picture Chapman (MilitaryClassified)

Chapman (MilitaryClassified)

There are 4 posts for Chapman (MilitaryClassified), the oldest from February 2, 2023.

Military Classified: Dutch and Chapman

Military Classified: Dutch and Chapman

Chapman is a local boy (Dutch) who has recently made a come back and Rob decided to put him together with a new face that was actually a referral from a fan!

When they met there was a lot of tension and nerves at first but once they started talking and getting to know each other they quickly let loose and joking back and forth on Military Classified!
Continue with “Military Classified: Dutch and Chapman”

10 Sep 23 By Dave Write a comment!

Military Classified: Langley and Chapman

Military Classified: Langley and Chapman

On Military Classified: This match sort of feel into Rob’s lap because Chapman is a local boy and Langley hails from the East Coast. Well Rob got a phone call from Chapman who he hadn’t shot since 2013 asking for work after he broke up with his Fiance… The drama! Well Langley was scheduled to fly in for some work the very same week Chapman called so Rob decided to put these two together.
Continue with “Military Classified: Langley and Chapman”

04 Jun 23 By Dave Write a comment!

Military Classified: Cain and Chapman

Military Classified: Cain and Chapman

A few things came into play getting Cain and Chapman together on Military Classified and it just so happens that Chapman was available for this shoot while another other regular TJ, was not available for work this time but as it turns out, It was a match made in heaven and bringing these two together sparked a chemistry that was visibly seen.
Continue with “Military Classified: Cain and Chapman”

14 May 23 By Dave 3 Comments