Profile Picture Colton Masters

Colton Masters

There are 2 posts for Colton Masters, the oldest from November 11, 2022.

Boys Halfway House: Colton Masters

New on Boys Halfway House: It’s a bit unusual, although not unheard of, for a young man to make it from a dorm room to a bunk in a halfway house in the course of a semester. However, some guys just start too hard out of the gate, what with rush and all the freedom that a campus provides.

His chasing tail soon led to chasing the bottle, and that led him straight to a few felonies. Of course, the Boys Halfway House welcomed Colton Masters with open arms. Unfortunately, within a week he had fallen back to his old ways, and he needed to be confronted.

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04 Jan 23 By Dave 1 Comment

Raunchy Bastards: Colton Masters

Raunchy Bastards: Colton Masters

New on Raunchy Bastards: Colton Masters and I had been chatting for a few weeks before I made time to give him a casting session. In the meanwhile, he was always texting and very eager to get started.

A student, his excuse was that he needed money for tuition. I admit, this is a much more laudable reason than most who pass through my door. To boot, I believed him. When we met in person for the first time, I was stunned, not only that he showed up, but that he was such a likeable guy.
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30 Nov 22 By Dave Write a comment!