Profile Picture Damien Michaels

Damien Michaels

There are 3 posts for Damien Michaels, the oldest from January 1, 2016.

NextDoorStudios: Brandon Moore and Damien Michaels


Still adjusting to being home from deployment, Private Damien Michaels is finding that not everyone is thrilled to have him home, particularly his girlfriend, who has been giving him attitude since he got back. As Damien has some beers with fellow boot-camper and long time buddy Brandon Moore, Damien’s girlfriend gives him a call and starts even more trouble. Brandon witnesses this, and though he’s inclined to just keep his mouth shut and mind his own business, he can’t help but think maybe he’s got a solution to Damien’s problem.

Continue with “NextDoorStudios: Brandon Moore and Damien Michaels”

05 May 16 By Dave 6 Comments

NextDoorStudios: Damien Michaels and Mark Long


Having waited nearly 2 months just to secure a meeting with a potential investor, inventor Mark Long has his pitch and product all set for presentation, but unfortunately, his audience is a bit distracted. Damien Michaels, or Mr. Michaels, as he is known around these parts, is having some personal problems at home that are preventing him from staying focussed on the meeting in front of him.

Continue with “NextDoorStudios: Damien Michaels and Mark Long”

07 Jan 16 By Dave 2 Comments