Profile Picture Harris Hilton

Harris Hilton

There are 37 posts for Harris Hilton, the oldest from June 6, 2010.

Bel Ami: Mick Lovell & Harris Hilton

Bel Ami: Mick Lovell & Harris Hilton
While Bel Ami group was touring Australia, they noticed that Mick and Harris seemed to share an unusual closeness, always hanging our together and laughing at little private jokes that no-one else could understand, so they decided to put the chemistry to the test by asking Lukas to film them together in this test BJ scene.
This is one of the very first things Mick ever filmed, so he is still finding his feet (so to speak) here.

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24 Dec 12 By scotchtape 9 Comments

Bel Ami: Kinky Angels – Kevin Warhol and Harris Hilton

Bel Ami: Kinky Angels - Kevin Warhol and Harris Hilton
These photos come from a scene which created a major scandal in the small South African city where it was shot. Lukas filmed the entire scene in the window of the house (Where he felt was the perfect lighting) but neglected to cover the window in transluscent paper, so everyone walking or driving past got a full veiw of Kevin and Harris having their fun.
The Kinky Angels series is a strictly limited offering. At the end of summer it will be removed from sale, so better grab them while you can.

Continue with “Bel Ami: Kinky Angels – Kevin Warhol and Harris Hilton”

23 May 11 By Ken 2 Comments