Profile Picture JJ Swift

JJ Swift

There are 7 posts for JJ Swift, the oldest from November 11, 2013.

Gayhoopla’s JJ Swift is Riding for AIDS Lifecycle

aids lifecycle jj swift
The AIDS/LifeCycle was founded in 2002 as a charity to raise money and awareness for and about HIV/AIDS. The event spans 7 days and traverses communities from San Francisco to Los Angeles.
In 2013, one of JJ’s longtime fans persuaded him to ride for the cause. With fan support JJ became a member of the 10K club. Members of the 10K Club help to make a significant impact on the success of the ride, in 2013 this small group of riders helped raise $3.8 million dollars!
We have appreciated JJ for his cam performances, but this level of commitment and dedication only heightens our appreciation for JJ.
You can learn more about the AIDS/Lifecycle here, and visit JJ at Gayhoopla.

19 May 14 By Dave 3 Comments