Profile Picture Judd 2 (SeanCody)

Judd 2 (SeanCody)

There is 1 post for Judd 2 (SeanCody), the oldest from September 9, 2010.

Sean Cody: Judd (2)

Sean Cody: Judd(2)
Judd had never been to California before. In fact, he’d never been to the West Coast. He was fascinated with the big buildings, architecture and masses of people everywhere. Judd’s a small town boy from the Midwest who spends a lot of time working on cars and working out. He’s a young, cute, blond, blue-eyed guy with a nice tight physique and great big smile.
“Tell me one word that sums up your high school experience.”

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30 Sep 10 By Ken 2 Comments