Profile Picture Julian Smiles

Julian Smiles

There are 3 posts for Julian Smiles, the oldest from June 6, 2012.

NextDoorStudios: Julian Smiles, James Jamesson and Cody Allen

Next Door Buddies: Julian Smiles, James Jamesson and Cody Allen
It was an otherwise uneventful afternoon when James Jamesson, Cody Allen, and Julian Smile came together to discuss a simple business proposition. Cody and Julian found James at a time in their lives when nothing seemed to be working out right. Neither had any money or prospects for the future. They needed a quick solution or they would’ve become destitute. James offered a quick fix.The deal was easy to understand. The three of them would meet at a discreet home, high in the hills, and jerk off in front of a video camera for the pleasure of a high-paying, anonymous voyeur. It sounded like fast, painless money so they agreed. Everything was going as could have been expected, until James suggested they play with each other’s cocks. Both Julian and Cody were not accustomed to touching other dudes in this manner. But James explained they would be paid extra for this.

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11 Jun 12 By Jo 15 Comments