Profile Picture Kaye (ChaosMen)

Kaye (ChaosMen)

There is 1 post for Kaye (ChaosMen), the oldest from December 12, 2011.

Chaos Men: Kaye

Chaos Men: Kaye
Kaye is an intriguing dude. He says he is bi- split 50/50 between girls and guys. Bryan thinks he might be leaning towards guys. We’ll see if he really IS Bi or just working his way to playing on our team full-time. You just never know.
Bryan finally got some Bi-porn for the bi guys to watch, so the timing was good. Though he really didn’t watch the video much. Kaye dances at night clubs, and gets off on being watched. The guy-guy-girl video was largely ignored.

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28 Dec 11 By Jo 11 Comments