Profile Picture Lukas (ChaosMen)

Lukas (ChaosMen)

There are 2 posts for Lukas (ChaosMen), the oldest from August 8, 2013.

Chaos Men: Lukas

Chaos Men: Lukas
Lukas is a slow and deliberate talker. You can tell right away he takes his time. Strangers will often come up to him and ask him if he has any weed. Definitely has a stoner vibe about him, though we think that is just how he is.
Which is kind of at odds with his nervousness in this video. And the frantic pace that he jerks off. It’s almost as if his cock is electrocuting him with pleasure every time he strokes his head!
He sure did get hard quick for the camera. Love it when that happens. Nervous, but not TOO nervous, and turned-on, eager to show-off!

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19 Aug 13 By Jo 9 Comments