
There are 170 posts for ParagonMen, the oldest from June 6, 2010.

Paragon Men: Jake Wills

paragon men jake wills
Jake’s got brains, personality and we’re his first time! He’s a nude-modeling (now non) virgin from the brotherly-love land of Philly. After filming a supercharged erotic light touching video, we’re sure his success on the site will bring him back for the explosives! On the romantic side, Jake is so saccharine sweet he once led a girlfriend via a trail of candies that ended in her bedroom full of teddy bears. For the record, she was of age!

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10 Apr 12 By Dave 20 Comments

ParagonMen: Brolly Davis

paragonmen brolly davis
Brolly is prolly smart, but who cares? He’s a tall as model with hairy long legs that lead to a juicy tubesteak (aka the Brolly-dog) which once (accidentally?) shot a wad in some chick’s eye. She stood up, screamed, and ran into a wall. So yeah, he’s single.
The nicest thing he’s done on a date is wear a really tight shirt to better show off that muscle-swelled physique. His philosophy? The smaller the shirt, the bigger he looks. 13 year-old fan girls: Brolly accepts t-shirt donations!

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03 Apr 12 By Dave 9 Comments

Paragon Men: Anonymous

paragon men anonymous
The Anonymous Paragon Men are models who want to show off their nude bodies and gorgeous erections in Paragon Men, but for various reasons refuse to allow their faces to be photographed. Nonetheless, Paragon Men is usually able to gather enough information to tell you something about their mdoels, whether they are US Marines, young television actors, fitness magazine cover models, or aspiring Cirque du Soleil acrobats.

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25 Mar 12 By Dave 8 Comments

Paragon Men: Kent Slugger

paragon men kent slugger
Kent grew up on a farm in Arkansas, graduated college and quit baling hay to become a successful car salesman. Who wouldn’t buy from this hotrod? Dude could sell a Hummer to the EPA! We took Kent for a digital test drive backstage and his performance had all cylinders firing. He stars behind-the-scenes and also in a touch video where we see every ridge, every rock and every hard place in full erotic close-up.

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20 Mar 12 By Dave 14 Comments

Paragon Men: Bobby Milan

paragon men bobby milan
Good ol’ boy Bobby Milan is a sworn T&A man who also likes photography and playing Monopoly. But even landing on Park Avenue couldn’t distract from what are arguably thebest set of abs we’ve seen since the CGI warriors in 300! Bobby’s lean, mean, chiselled core doesn’t come from special effects or Pilates (yea, put down the pulleys!), but credits it all to what the good lord gave him.

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14 Mar 12 By Dave 10 Comments