Profile Picture Paul (RandyBlue)

Paul (RandyBlue)

There are 4 posts for Paul (RandyBlue), the oldest from February 2, 2006.

Paul and RC at

Paul and RC at
When Randy Blue had RC and Paul in for the circle Jerk he thought he might go ahead shoot a scene with just the two of them. Paul has travelled a little further then RC so RB wanted to make the most of his trip. Paul as you know had got together with Allen previously so he had at least a little experience. But RC was a different story. At the time of this filming he’d never done anything with a guy. It always unusual when you get two straight guys together to have sex for the first time. There is always all this nervousness and some embarrassment but after a while they relax and tend to get into it. RB knew Paul and RC would look good together but even he was surprised at how much they got into each other.

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26 Feb 06 By Ken 5 Comments

5 Guy Circle Jerk at RandyBlue

Circle Jerk

What happens when you combine three favorites (Peter, Dane, and Adrian) from RandyBlue with two of their newest models (RC and Reggie) for some Saturday afternoon fun? Divided into two parts, the first half of the video shows the guys jacking off and having fun! What’s the second half of the video about… ? Stay tuned or click through to RandyBlue and find out for yourself!

Continue with “5 Guy Circle Jerk at RandyBlue”

11 Feb 06 By redmonkey 4 Comments