Robbie Williams

There are 2 posts for Robbie Williams, the oldest from March 3, 2008.

For 20 Pounds, Robbie Williams Will Moon Whoever You Like

Apparently European TV is the thing to watch for sexy gay programming. First the Dutch had a big-dicked robot breakdancing onstage and now a Danish daytime show host is offering 20 pounds for pop singer Robbie Williams to flash his bum to a throng of delighted amusement park goers—amusement indeed! It’s quite a benevolent Christmas gift on WIlliams’ part, although they might have appreciated seeing him unwrap his package a bit more.
More Robbie Williams on QC:
Take That!
Robbie Williams Live At Knebworth
Get More Robbie Williams
Robbie Williams Naked
Robbie WIlliams Full Frontal Nude
Robbie Williams Naked Interview

03 Dec 10 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!