Profile Picture Shane Foster

Shane Foster

There are 2 posts for Shane Foster, the oldest from December 12, 2007.

Kenny and Shane at

Kenny and Shane at

Shane Foster was out all night trying to get a little tail. He hit the clubs and ran all over the Sunset Strip, but no luck. Took a spin around West Hollywood, but still no luck. It was just one of those nights. Everyone was out having a good time but nobody was ready to take it home. Which makes no sense at all given the body on this guy.

He’s built like a brick wall, good solid frame with a pair of rock hard pecs and a smooth rippling stomach, a pair of arms you could just melt into and strong powerful legs that anyone would love to have wrapped around them.

Enter Kenny Cross. He was out with Shane until he took off on the hunt for some action and knew the minute he saw Shane sleeping in his own bed that he failed to score. It’s a good thing Kenny wakes up with perpetual morning wood. He can smell a hard on from a mile away and when that aroma hit his nostrils he practically floated across the apartment and into Shane’s room.

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31 Jul 08 By Ken 8 Comments