Profile Picture Shay (CorbinFisher)

Shay (CorbinFisher)

There are 2 posts for Shay (CorbinFisher), the oldest from July 7, 2009.

Corbin Fisher: Shay

Corbin Fisher: Shay
Shayはユーモアたっぷりで、一緒に過ごしててすごく楽しい男の子です。彼が初めてCorbin Fisherに来たとき、よそよそしい感じで居心地が悪そうな感じでした。でもだんだん話しているうちに心を開いてきて、彼はシャイな性格ではないということがわかりました。

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03 Aug 09 By ryu Write a comment!

Corbin Fisher: Shay

Corbin Fisher: Shay
Shay is an interesting guy to have around, and a lot of fun in his own way. When he first showed up at Corbin Fisher, he seemed quite standoffish and uncomfortable, in his own world, wearing a hoodie (with the hood pulled up over his head), and wouldn’t speak much. Over time, Corbin realized that he wasn’t standoffish and uncomfortable but just had his own unique personality and way of opening up.

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28 Jul 09 By Ken 10 Comments