Profile Picture Tevin (CorbinFisher)

Tevin (CorbinFisher)

There are 4 posts for Tevin (CorbinFisher), the oldest from July 7, 2010.

Corbin Fisher: Tevin’s First Time

Corbin Fisher: Tevin's First Time
There’s something amazing about capturing a guy’s first guy/guy experience on camera. They wrestle with a lot of thoughts. And if they struggle too much in their heads, it can be a bad experience. Corbin Fisher’s freshman wrestler, Tevin, had a great time with Delila [Read more “Amateur College Sex: Tevin and Delila” on QCX]. But it looked like he was having some difficulty mentally, thinking about squaring off with a same-sex partner. So it made sense to pair him up with the right guy. Travis is the perfect grappling partner for first-timers like Tevin. Oddly enough, it was discussing girls that let them bond.

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04 Aug 10 By scotchtape 1 Comment

Corbin Fisher: Tevin

Corbin Fisher: Tevin
Tevin is a muscular, soft-spoken wrestler with a wide engaging smile. Until you start digging deeper and find out this guy next door has a wild streak that lets him takes advantage of whatever sexual circumstances come up! He was 15 when had sex for the first time, with an older girl. Once, he skipped out of gym class and took a Brazilian girl with a “smokin’ body” to his house to fuck her. And he’s had sex in the girls’ locker room of the local water park. Clearly, Tevin likes to be adventurous.

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27 Jul 10 By scotchtape 2 Comments