Profile Picture Todd (SeanCody)

Todd (SeanCody)

There are 3 posts for Todd (SeanCody), the oldest from September 9, 2008.

Sean Cody: Curtis Fucks Todd

Sean Cody: Curtis Fucks Todd
When we first met Curtis, he didn’t have any experience with other guys, but he had considered it.
“Maybe just to experiment, see what I like.” Those were his words.
Well, you know Sean and how he loves to experiment. And after learning about Curtis’ girlfriend and all the “weird, crazy” stuff they do, Sean paired him up with Todd!

Continue with “Sean Cody: Curtis Fucks Todd”

30 Sep 08 By aaron 15 Comments

Sean Cody: Fuller Blows Todd

Sean Cody: Fuller Blows Todd
Todd and Fuller were sitting on the trusty massage table that Sean pulled out of storage.
That massage table has seen some pretty fun times!
“You’ve never had a dick in your mouth?”
“No, sorry to say that I haven’t,” Fuller replied, laughing.
“That pretty mouth of yours has never had a dick in it?”
“No, no…”
“Well that’s a shame.”

Continue with “Sean Cody: Fuller Blows Todd”

26 Sep 08 By aaron 8 Comments

Todd at

Todd at
“I finished school a few weeks ago,” Todd told Mr. Cody when he first came out for a visit. He’d been studying photography and video production and was just starting his job search.
“I’d like to start out as a video engineer or production assistant for a television show,” he said. “Something to just get my foot in the door.”
He’s straight and has a girlfriend, and says that they like to do “freaky” stuff every now and then.

Continue with “Todd at”

09 Sep 08 By Ken 19 Comments