Profile Picture Tristan (ChaosMen)

Tristan (ChaosMen)

There are 2 posts for Tristan (ChaosMen), the oldest from September 9, 2013.

Chaos Men: Tristan – Serviced

Chaos Men: Tristan - Serviced
Bryan finds it funny how he meets some of these guys, and he kinda thinks they may actually be into the guy-on-guy stuff… they just don’t know it yet. He thought for sure Tristan would be down with it, but instead he really really struggled. He just couldn’t mentally get his head around it. Everyone was was pretty surprised how stiff and stressed he seemed the first 4-5 minutes of this video.

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25 Sep 13 By Jo 4 Comments

Chaos Men: Tristan

Chaos Men: Tristan
Bryan thinks Tristan is a super handsome guy. He has a great face, an amazing body, and he even grew his hair out just for us…though he promptly shaved it off the day after shooting his videos. Sigh.
Bryan had been working to get Tristan in for what seems like years. He moved around, started new jobs, and always had some pressing obligation. Finally he just said to lock in a date, and he finally got into the studio. Bryan was not disappointed after waiting so long!

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16 Sep 13 By Jo 11 Comments