Profile Picture Van Darkholme

Van Darkholme

There are 2 posts for Van Darkholme, the oldest from June 6, 2023.

Kink Men: Roman Todd, Van Darkholme and Logan Aarons

Kink Men: Roman Todd, Van Darkholme and Logan Aarons

All is not well at Four Hand Massage. This shady, back-alley massage parlor is running out of money and the masseurs who work here, Logan Aarons and Van Fourhand, are worried about the consequences. They are both surprised when handsome stud Roman Todd walks into the building. Roman apologizes for being early for his 2 o’clock massage.

Van and Logan don’t mind, now they have enough time to really give Roman a work-out, and hopefully film something for one of their wealthy clients on Kink Men.
Continue with “Kink Men: Roman Todd, Van Darkholme and Logan Aarons”

13 Sep 23 By Dave Write a comment!

Kink Men: Ethan Sinns and Vincent O’Reilly – Hot Cum Stud

Kink Men: Ethan Sinn and Vincent O'Reilly - Hot Cum Stud

New on Kink Men: Ethan Sinns is a handyman stud who is working on a kitchen remodel.

Van Darkholme and his little buddy Vincent O’Reilly are unskilled day laborers who are about to be laid off.

With nothing to lose they decide to have some fun with Ethan before they are escorted off the premises.

Continue with “Kink Men: Ethan Sinns and Vincent O’Reilly – Hot Cum Stud”

10 Jun 23 By Dave Write a comment!