
QC reader and fan Christian was an assistant when this comercial was made for the Norwegian Gay Youth Phone and he would like to share it with all QC readers.
This is a beautiful clip of a gay teen boy doing the unthinkable…it’s a Norwegian public service announcement for gay teens made using using goverment sponsored money, and has been aired on the major Norwegian TV stations, at NO cost to the Youth Phone. It’s still aired a couple of times a year during the hollidays; Christmas day etc.
The texts in this video translates as follows:
Du trenger ikke være så tøff
“You don’t need to be so tough”
Homofiles ungdomstelefon
“Gay Youth Phone”
Vi vil gjerne svare
“We will answer (your call) with pleasure”
(Thanks Christian!)

Mar 12, 2006 By Editor D 8 Comments