QCA Music Quickie: Brodie Newport’s Belial Begins

Even though producing a dance track is the last stop in the Porn Career Pyramid, S&M butcher Brodie Newport has just released his 6th music video entitled, Belial Begins. But before we get to the track itself we wondered, What is a Belial exactly? Good question. Wikipedia suggests that he’s an uncircumcised puke demon:

a demon in the Bible, Christian apocrypha and Jewish apocrypha, and also a term used to characterize the wicked or worthless. In the Book of Jubilees, uncircumcised heathens are called “sons of Belial”…the demon [Belial] is said to have feasted on the poor and feeds the rich with the regurgitated remains.

Delightful! Now about the track, Newport himself says, “It is far from perfect, but the dreaded “sophomore” effort is finally done! Now to record the rest of the tracks for the ‘second album.’ This is just a rough demo, so don’t get all excited and put your critic hats on just yet K?”
The song itself sounds like a video game loop from a bonus level with a vocal track of Newport moaning and saying “fire”, “higher” and “desire.” The attempt places him in the sexy but modestly talented company of other porn musicians like Colton Ford and Dempsey Stearns.
As for the video, Newport flexes in a tight pair of Ralph Lauren briefs around the 2:20, 3:50, 5:49, and 7:22 marks—each time it only lasts for a few seconds, but they’re pretty much the best moments of the entire video. Otherwise, it’s just Newport flexing in a swivel chair and walking up church stairs. Not willing to use the North Entrance like the sign suggests, he walks aimlessly on the landing and communes with the stone lions—looks like Newport could take some video editing tips from our own QClique music star, Kentucky Boy.

Dec 19, 2009 By paperbagwriter 6 Comments