Malachi Marx Explains (Un)Retirement, Jason Pitt (Sorta) Retires, and Reese Rideout Will (Probably) Never Retire

Malachi Marx continues his quest to become the least beloved porn star in all of Gay-For-Paydom with his latest interview in which he emphasizes the completely unsexy side of gay porn. If you remember, he initially claimed that he was only doing gay-for-pay to research a book (that he never released). Long story short: he’s not gay, he’s in porn purely for the money, it’s a lot more stressful than you think, and the only reason he keeps retiring and returning is because the money’s so good.
After Malachi’s wife shoos her children away from the interviewer, “doting father” Malachi admits that he only started doing gay porn because of crippling debt associated with his wife’s pregnancy and because he had already tried dealing drugs (but didn’t want to go to jail). Apparently with the help of a gay friend (and lots of weed), Malachi opened a Rentboy profile and soon got paid $800 for guys to blow him (nice work if you can get it).
Malachi’s customers included family men, lesbians, gay couples from New York and Fire Island, an ex-KGB officer, and a Middle Eastern prince who wanted to sell him into sex slavery. Before long, Malachi started having full on sex with men and eventually answered a Randy Blue Craigslist ad to jerk off on camera for $2,000 rather than earn a piddly $200 doing god knows what in straight porn. Randy Blue then offered him $3,500 for an oral sex scene which then lead to magazine shoots, even more scenes, and an unattainable status that got him $1,000 to $2,500 per escorting gig.

“…in the thick of his career… he was making close to $25,000 a month, filming scenes for Randy Blue and hitting five major cities in a week to see clients all over the country (and sometimes the world). That’s a lot of sex. “So I explored if I could actually get turned on by a guy. I tried. But I couldn’t. The curiosity was answered and I knew I was heterosexual,” he said.

“I appreciate guys, I appreciate male camaraderie. I know what to appreciate out of males but I have no desire to have sex with them for pleasure. I’ve never done anything gay if I haven’t been paid for it. I put on a game face, a facade, a character, and I make money” being gay for pay, he added.

…Given his general dislike for the work that he does and his declarations of quitting, he acknowledged that it looks odd to retire and return, retire and return. But he said each time he finds himself back in front of the camera it’s because of bills to pay and the need for a quick and easy funding source. It’s never because of boredom or a desire to be adored by gay men, he said.

…To his critics, Malachi has a simple response. “Fuck yourself… For every one that has some debate or that dislikes me there are 100 that like me. People ask me, ‘How can you be straight’? You can. It’s just like anybody who worked a job they didn’t enjoy. It’s like being a laborer. I was not a laborer in my mind when I was working construction jobs. I didn’t enjoy it. Who enjoys 10 hours of construction in the blistering heat and you’re burned out? I did gay for pay for money. It pays a heck of a lot more and it’s a job. I can program myself to do a j-o-b, especially in these hard economic times.”

Though he’s hardly asking anyone to feel sorry him, Malachi seems to envision himself as a semi-tragic figure stuck in a never ending cycle of sucks and bucks. In fact, he recently spent an entire scene blowing and kissing Roman which seems much darker (and hotter) when you realize that he’s only acting a cockslut for money. It’s kinda like a gay porn version of The Godfather: everytime he tries to leave, he gets sucked back in.
But if Malachi’s interview bums you out, then you have only to turn to Jason Pitt and Reese Rideout’s interviews. Pitt agrees with Malachi that gay porn isn’t the most savory profession. He just starred in Channel 1 Releasing’s Little Big League 4: Grand Slam along with Jimmy Durano and Brent Everett, but that’s his last film y’all. On his 21st birthday (December 6th), he’s gonna launch Jason Pitt, Inc., open a member’s section with exclusive content on his site, and then presumably hire some young bucks to work with him. But why go solo? Pitt explains.

“I no longer want to be in an industry that doesn’t care,” says Pitt in a bold statement on his blog. “I no longer want to be the person who goes to events and watches other entertainers/models get plastered and high on drugs when they are supposed to be representing a studio or even representing themselves. This industry is getting worse, maybe not in front of the camera but behind the scenes and prep for porn production has gotten sloppy and unsafe and I don’t see anything being done about it. Studios are using pretty much anyone who walks in off the streets. More and more people that I know and are close to are turning up positive. I see very few models who actually have a plan for their future. … Everything is going to be completely different with my studio.”

Wow, bummer. Well, at least we can count on Reese Rideout to cheer us up. The playful gay-for-pay porn star recently gave an interview to Aussielicious in which he humorously described his interactions with the gay porn world. Here are the highlights:

When you were first approached to do gay porn, how did you react?

Reactions as follows: “Well… um… maybe I can get hard? I don’t know? Just get sucked?… Ok probably just that I can do? Do I have to cum? I’ll try? How much are you paying again?”

You identify as straight but perform in gay porn. What do you say to the suggestion that you have to have some attraction to men to be able to “perform” or you must use Viagra?

There’s probably some small percentage created by ones body mass of gravitational pull just as with any object… so in that sense… Yes there is a attraction between me and the other person I happen to be doing a scene with… And a heck of a lot of Viagra 😉

Of course, Reese seems to enjoy both sides of anal sex more than Malachi and has certainly enjoyed playing in the spotlight with his wacky videos and website. Maybe the lesson here is that attitude really is everything.

Aug 01, 2010 By paperbagwriter 12 Comments