Alleged Fuck Video of Nic Tay?

Nic Tay Cobalt
Nic Tay Cobalt
Nic Tay Cobalt
An alleged sex video of Singaporean underwear and fitness model, Nic Tay, has surfaced on the Interwebs. The video is of low quality so it’s difficult to verify the authenticity of the claim. But if it’s indeed Nic, he’s quite the vocally responsive bottom!

Nic Tay Cobalt
Nic Tay Cobalt
Nic Tay Cobalt
nNic Tay Cobalt
Nic Tay Cobalt
[Play in high quality]
Nic Tay Gets Fucked [無料ホームページ] [Adult video] What’s interesting is there’s a third person in the room (guy in blue shorts). Were they filming this for a school project? Or is this what lazy Sunday afternoons are made of over there in Singapore? Is there a longer video? Are there more?
Photo source: Cobalt Photography

Mar 02, 2013 By Editor D 7 Comments