We found 49 results and a tag François Sagat

Queer Clicks: January 28, 2017 | François Sagat, Uncut: Catching Up With A Sex Symbol, Sexy Mr. Clean Gets Dirty In New Super Bowl Ad , & Other News

Photography: Franck Glenisson

François Sagat, Uncut: Catching Up With A Sex Symbol

“François Sagat says the past few years have been hazardous. When he decided to retire from the gay adult film industry in 2013, he was one of its most recognizable stars. The French actor had hopes his transition to arthouse cinema, with Christophe Honoré’s Homme au Bain, would lead to more traditional roles. Instead, nothing happened.” Advocate

Sexy Mr. Clean Gets Dirty In New Super Bowl Ad

“Girl, you know you’ve been having that fantasy again. Don’t deny it: You’re sitting there at home in your kitchen, looking at that messy stain from last night’s chicken cacciatore, and thinking to yourself, “God, using cleaning products really makes me want to get my fuck on. Isn’t there a company whose chemical burn also fires up my loins?” Baby, just relax and let Mr. Clean take over. Forget those old live-action versions of a human male you could conceivably have actual intercourse with, sweet thing, and set aside that weird spot from three months ago where Kellan Lutz ”auditioned” to be the new spokescleaner.” AV Club

Hot Or Not: Could Watching Yourself Having Sex In A Mirror Improve Your Love Life?

“When did you last look at your naked body? I mean, really look? Chances are, it’s a rare occurrence – and it’s the same for most of us. Maybe we get a glimpse in the mirror when we’re getting ready for bed.

A second later, we hop under the covers before we see too much and are reminded of all the things we disliked about ourselves. It’s pretty much ingrained in most people – women especially – to be unhappy with their body.” Metro

A Gay Activist’s Journey To Christian Fundamentalism: ‘I Am Michael’

“Michael Glatze was a hero to the gay community. And then he was a villain.

In the late ’90s and early 2000s, he was a leading advocate for LGBT rights, a devoted student of queer theory, and an editor at the influential XY magazine. Then, after a health scare at 29, he renounced his gay identity, embraced Christian fundamentalism, married a woman, became a pastor of his own church, and started calling his old friends “abnormal.” As Glatze pivoted from one sexual and religious identity to another, his own motivations remained inscrutable; he was, and remains, a true iconoclast in an era where the kind is practically extinct. How can one man embody such extremes within himself? ” NPR

Ellen Welcomes Gay Iraqi Soldiers Who Fell in Love, Escaped the Mideast, and Got Married

“Last June when the documentary Out of Iraq first aired, we reported on Nayyef and Btoo, Iraqi soldiers who fell in love during the Iraq war, were separated for several years, sought asylum in the west, and are now married. Btoo and Nayyef now live in Seattle, and work with LGBT youth from the middle east who are escaping oppression in their own countries.” Towleroad

28 Jan 17 By Dave 1 Comment

TitanMen presents Francois Sagat – Volume 1

titanmen francois sagat
TitanMen presents Francois Sagat – Volume 1 starring the world’s most iconic pornstar and TitanMen exclusive. Legendary director Bruce Cam has handpicked his favorite Francois Sagat scenes and put them into this one fantastic DVD collection. Join Francois on this epic fuck-fest with ball-busting scenes from Breathless, Telescope, Thrust, Funhouse, Shacked Up and POV. Big, beefy, sweaty and muscular bodies exploring every single one of Francois‘ willing and eager holes!

Continue with “TitanMen presents Francois Sagat – Volume 1”

11 Dec 14 By Dave 9 Comments

We’re Jealous The Slick It Up Offices Looks More Fun Than QC HQ!

Every member of Team Orange loves working at QueerClick, but when we laid eyes on the offices of the fetish gear company Slick It Up!, we couldn’t help but feel a tinge jealous. Using gimps for chairs, bringing pets to work, and everyday seems to be casual Friday. Plus who can resist working with sexy studs Chase Hostler and David Mason. Oh, and who’s this?! They even managed to get Francois Sagat to give up his own candy sling for a valued customer. If only we didn’t love our current jobs so much! Oh well, we’re sure the boys at Slick It Up! probably have a lot of positions and openings that need, ahem… filling.

09 Apr 11 By paperbagwriter 1 Comment

Finally, Sexy Freaky Francois Sagat Gets His Own Documentary!

We’re still busy wiping our tears over secksy artfreak Francois Sagat’s semi-retirement, but you’ll still have one last chance to see him turn his sexy ass out… well, if you live in France anyway. TITAN media and the Gay Porn Times both just released mention of Canal+’s Francois Sagat documentary playing on French national TV March 1st.
While Americans can’t even let gays kiss on national TV, French audiences will have the pleasure of watching this magnificent manicorn turn himself out in a rhinestone studded speedo on national TV. The documentary also features Dean Monroe, Wilifried Knight speaking French, and Chi Chi LaRue being interviewed in a toilet—maybe they were filming a scene in her office. We’d love to see a subtitled version of the doc, but until then we’ll have to content ourselves with the video short of Sagat posing for gay shutterbug Terry Richardson (above). Oh Francois! Fade away never!

26 Feb 11 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!

This Might Be The Last Time You’ll Ever See Francois Sagat On QC!

Prepare to weep, porn lovers because this may well be the last time you see Francois Sagat on QueerClick. That’s right… French-kiss Francois’ sweet ass goodbye because he just told OUT Magazine that he’s on porn sabbatical to try and land a role in a mainstream film. The photos above come from OUT‘s latest issue courtesy of photographer Terry Richardson. And while they’re probably not the last photos you’ll ever see of Francois, they’re probably the last time you’ll ever see his cock through a translucent camouflage unitard.
Now before you roll your eyes and think, “Yeah, right,” keep in mind that he has already appeared in Saw VI, the art film Man in the Bath, Bruce LaBruce’s LA Zombie, a music video, a few art projects, and even in the pages Vanity Fair magazine. No, it’s not exactly mainstream breakthrough, but it’s certainly nothing to sniff at.
According to the interview he hasn’t made porn “since his run as GayVN’s 2007 Performer of the Year” even though he’s appeared on a few studio updates since then. But don’t cry! The way we see it, Francois will either star in a big film or two and then make a stunning comeback to porn or he will not star in a big film or two and then make a stunning comeback to porn! Either way, his performance will continue to give fans reason to rejoice!
Shine on, you crazy diamond!

16 Feb 11 By paperbagwriter 5 Comments

Erik Rhodes Does Not Approve Of Brotherly Love

Erik Rhodes Does Not Approve Of Brotherly Love
Oh Erik Rhodes—you’re our favorite insane muscleman. You’ve fought global warming and now you’re fighting against incest!
Wait… what?
Yes it’s true. When a fan expressed how much he would like to have Erik as a brother so he could kiss and hug and massage Erik after works out, Erik didn’t indulge his fan’s incest family. Instead he responded in disgust and managed to diss the Peters Twins while doing it. Look and see the innermost thoughts of a porn-moralist at work!:

“you would kiss and massage your brother?

i love my brother more than anything on this earth and i still would leave that stuff for his GF….sorry to spoil the fantasy…

i mean, i get sick to my stomach to see all those twins in porn… sure we all need the money but i think you need to draw the line when they ask you to have sex with your family.”

Erik’s right. We couldn’t imagine kissing and massaging our brothers… unless they were as hot as Erik, in which case we’d probably rim and blow them instead. But either way, HE’S RIGHT. Twincest is gross (in all the best ways). In fact when we saw the Peters Twins kissing, sucking and fucking each other, we couldn’t help but watch the entire scene while disgustedly pumping our cocks and cumming in utter disapproval. Nas-tee.
Keep in mind, Erik is the same guy who accepted money to have a boxing match against artistic crazyman Francois Sagat and then get fisted by him afterwards. So, y’know… he has moral authority and stuff.
Oh Erik. You can do no wrong in our book!

04 Feb 11 By paperbagwriter 13 Comments

In Less Than 30 Minutes, QueerClickers Named The Mystery Porn Stars In Attitude Magazine‘s Sex Issue!

UPDATE 11/12: It only took half an hour for our devoted QueerClickers to come up with the names of the 4 “mystery men” on the cover of Attitude Magazine‘s Sex Issue. The gay porn cosmos has roughly a bajillion stars in it, so was it any wonder we couldn’t figure out some of their names? But now that our readers solved the case, you can lust after them as long as you like:
TOP ROW: Junior Stellano, Alex Marte, Zack Elliott (from English Lads), Bailey Morgan (from EnglishLads), Blu Kennedy, Colton Ford, Erik Rhodes
BOTTOM ROW: Hayden Harris (from EnglishLads), Francois Sagat, Will Jameson, Eddie Diaz, Arpad Miklos
Much thanks to Phil Hatfield, Michael, and rimmin69. We’ll be in touch soon with some goodies for being such clever QueerClickers!

12 Nov 10 By paperbagwriter 7 Comments

Francois Sagat Puts On The Pink For Tetu Mag’s 15th Birthday

If you like big frothy mugs of pink goo, big-boned dominatrixes, and French horror movies, you’ll love these two whacked-out videos from the 15th birthday celebration of Tetu magazine. Our favorite arty porn star Francois Sagat made an appearance in a pink mask and harness and watching him finger his amazing ass in the woods whiles wearing a mask and black leather gloves is only giving us a haunted chubby. He’s simply the best at turning creepy things—like clown masks, zombies, and corsets—into hot fetish objects. Now if he’d only turn our asses into his fetish object.

08 Jul 10 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!

QCA Music Quickie: “Francois S” Appears In Crocodile Tears

You know that Francois Sagat is always down for a quirky art project. So it’s no surprise that a certain “Francois S.” happened to pop up in a French music video for a song called Crocodile Tears. What is surprising however is the horrible wig he put on for it. We mean, he still looks incredibly hot but only because you can still make out his phenomenal body underneath his skimpy t-shirt. We won’t ruin the ending (namely because we don’t understand the French in the song), but it wraps up with some sassy streetwalker giving Mr. S the stink-eye. Walk it off, S, walk it off.
Via The Sword

14 May 10 By paperbagwriter 1 Comment

Even With Clothes On These Porn Stars Are Still Knockouts!!!

Even With Clothes On These Porn Stars Are Still Knockouts!!!
Boxing isn’t as gay as ice skating, men’s synchronized diving, or Roman-Greco butt-fucking, but cold-cocking a guy is still pretty damned sexy—but photographer Greg Thompson threw a couple of mega-hot porn stars into the ring to the sexy sport even sexier.
Among the ring warriors are Blake Riley (whose boyfriend we thought forced him into retirement), Tiger Tyson, Ross Hurston, Steve Cruz, TJ Hawke, Mitch Branson, and ultra-arty Francois Sagat. And even though most of them keep their trunks on never hitting below the belt, there’s still enough ass and raw sensuality to keep the hits coming/
We mentioned this photo series when it first came out last year, but the photo set is enjoying a second round on the internet, so we thought we’d share the main event and the mere sight of these porn gladiators is enough to make us take our gloves off and start giving ourselves the ol’ 1-2.

13 May 10 By paperbagwriter 1 Comment

Francois Sagat To Star In French Art Film, Man in the Bath

Francois Sagat To Star In French Art Film
A QCommenter tipped us off that our favorite arty gay porn star Francois Sagat will star in French director Christophe Honoré Yagga’s newest new film, Man in the Bath. It’s a 20 to 45-minute short about a gay guy who sluts around after a break-up. It’s also titled after a work by gay impressionist painter Gustave Caillebotte.
We’re happy to hear that Sagat’s finally getting the screen time that someone of his natural insanity deserves. After all, his part as a junkie in Saw VI got whittled down to a measly cameo. Now the porn star’s appearing in a sacrilegious painting and serious art films—nice!
The director said, “What interests me is François Sagat as self-construction of the image of masculinity. It is a pure product of its time. It redefines the concept of masculinity. Francois has a body that does not exist in French cinema. I am not committed to the power of porn, but to the idea that the porn body emerges as a construction.”
Sounds pretty heady. But as long as a movie has men doing the nasty, we’ll watch just about anything… even really crappy films like Eating Out 3.

30 Apr 10 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!

QCA: Ross Watson Paints Francois Sagat, Marco Da Silva, and Matthew Mitcham

QCA: Ross Watson Paints Francois Sagat, Marco Da Silva, and Matthew Mitcham
Painter Ross Watson has a wonderfully naughty habit of sticking hot men into his recreations of classical paintings. He’s already added hot tattooed dancer Marco Da Silva and openly gay Olympic champion Matthew Mitcham into his works. But now he’s crucified arty porn star Francois Sagat in a controversial recreation of Caravaggio’s Crucifiction of St. Peter has the deets:

Australian artist, Ross Watson, was motivated by the Vatican’s position on homosexuality, and its ban on condom use, to create a painting which references Caravaggio’s ‘Crucifiction of St Peter’, and features French gay porn icon, Francois Sagat.

“Francois Sagat continues to play a valuable role in the area of HIV/AIDS prevention and education. I wanted to acknowledge that in the painting, whilst tying it to the Vatican,” comments Watson. “In contrast, the Vatican uses its status in the UN General Assembly to obstruct the promotion of condoms as protection against HIV/AIDS, and sexuality education in school curricular.”

“Some will regard the painting as provocative, but I don’t believe it is in contrast to the Vatican’s position on these issues. The Pope’s 2nd in charge recently claimed homosexuality and pedophelia are linked. That enraged me. It seems just and deserving to depict Francois Sagat as a contemporary saint, given he is helping to save lives, rather than contributing to causing illness and deaths for millions.”

“The great majority of Caravaggio’s patrons were from the Catholic church, and his paintings were sometimes rejected as they were viewed as inappropriate for a religious theme. I’m reminded here of my freedom as an artist. Imagine what Caravaggio might paint if he were alive today.”

In the past Sagat has portrayed Britney Spears, an LA zombie, and a junkie. Being crucified seems almost tame in comparison.

28 Apr 10 By paperbagwriter 4 Comments

QCX’s Fetish 101: What’s the Genesis of Fisting?

QCX's Fetish 101: What's the Genesis of Fisting?
Welly, well. Look what popped up on QCam! A fisting pic! Joy of joys!
What? You don’t like fisting, you say? Too much?!! The top basically has a fist-sized dick, so is fisting really much different from taking a huge dick? Is it the fingers that make the difference?
And before you “poo-poo” the idea, have you ever really thought about how it started or why guys enjoy it? After all, lots of porn actors have gone to the “fist-side” including Francois Sagat, Erik Rhodes, and RJ Danvers just to name a few.
We’ve posed the question on our QC Twitter account and are seeking answers. After all, what’s so great about fisting? Is it really a big deal? And how did it all get started to begin with? See the full QCam pic and a short history on QCX!
QCX: Try it, you just might love it.

24 Feb 10 By paperbagwriter 8 Comments

QCX’s Fetish 101: What’s the Genesis of Fisting?

QCX's Fetish 101: What's the Genesis of Fisting?
Few porn decide to get involved in fisting. In fact, fisting scenes are still considered so hardcore, that some American studios will actually censor fisting from their releases (providing them on a “black”, “deluxe”, or “director’s” cut).
Luckily, some bad boys step up to the plate, Francois Sagat, Erik Rhodes, and RJ Danvers. In fact Danvers has a fisting post right below this one.
We’re probably thinking that fisting started when a fingerfuck got a little too over-zealous. I mean, any guy who’s had one finger in his butt, has probably tried two or three. And some dicks and dildos aren’t too many sizes off from a human wrist. So maybe the intense anal pleasure of it, became a literal handful. After all, it feel good to open up the anus and have someone inside of you. Fisting is just the far end of that.
One fisting bottom told us, it’s not necessarily about the sexual pleasure or prostate massage. It’s about the control of one’s body (being able to let someone so far inside of them) and relationship (giving one’s self over to another in such a deep way) that really satisfies him. But we can’t speak for other fisting bottoms. We’re curious if there’s anything else.
One must take precautions of course, using lots of lube and working with an experienced and considerate fisting top are both good starts. Also, make sure he removes his wedding ring and wristwatch. There are also lots of toys to help work your way up.
So what do you think? Would you ever try out either end or do you find it hot? Do we have any fisters out there who can teach us more? After all, we are a QCommunity!

24 Feb 10 By paperbagwriter 4 Comments