Queer Click-erature: Author Steven Cooper

Queer Click-erature Steven Cooper.jpg
Lookin’ for a good read? How about several? Pick up any one of these twisted titles by Steven Cooper:
Investigative reporter Damon Fitzgerald is hot on the heels of the story of his career when he is strangled to death in his own apartment. But what kind of reporter lets a little thing like death keep him from a good story? Steven Cooper, who had a dead drag queen providing answers in his first mystery – With You in Spirit – and an unruly penis directing the action in his second – Saving Valencia – is no stranger to unusual plot twists! In Deadline he once again combines thrills, slapstick, and the supernatural in the story of a man intent on solving his own murder.
Saving Valencia
Valencia Brandywine, heiress to a hotel empire, has been kidnapped, and the ransom is $7 million and her brother Rico’s denouncement of his homosexuality. Valencia has been kidnapped by a group of zealots determined to convert the world’s homosexuals to a life of heterosexuality. Rico, with friend D’vora Wasserman at his side, trots the globe in search of Valencia . . . a search that turns out to be a deeply personal and somewhat mystical journey as well. What follows is a romp through psychotherapy, religion, romance and several inauspicious erections.
With You in Spirit
“My father’s body was found floating face down in the waters off Chappaquiddick. Naturally, everyone assumed a Kennedy did it.” So begins Cooper’s rollicking tale of love, murder and ghosts, where skepticism meets spiritualism, and family eccentricities hold the key to just about everything.

Jan 12, 2006 By Editor D 6 Comments