Chris at

Chris at

RB didn’t know what he could write about Chris that the photos and video don’t already tell you. Every day RB get tons of emails from people either wanting to be on the site or friends and agents sending in pics of guys they think should appear on the site. There’s a tremendous amount of sifting thru and decision making for one single male. But sometimes you get a guy who just really stands out.

Chris was referred by a mutual old friend of RB. He told him this guy has an amazing body and an even more amazing personality. Chris certainly is that guy. A lot of times on shoots you can have some guys that are just not that fun. They can be nervous or jet lagged or maybe just not all that outgoing but Chris was none of that. He made the shoot extremely fun and enjoyable for the team.

Chris at

Chris’ body is almost perfection. It’s naturally built and has hair in all the right places. Hair on his chest his pits and in the crack of that amazing ass. He is solid and muscled all over with abs that are simply amazing and it’s all natural guys.

This video was particular enjoyable because Chris really got into it. Not sure f it was because he was being paid, or because he had never done this before or maybe because he had an audience that motivated him to such a degree, but the boy was hard the entire time. That beautiful dick was rock hard and even better, he CAME TWICE. There is no more to say, except you won’t see him anywhere else for a while……Enjoy!

Sep 07, 2006 By Ken 19 Comments

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