Eric and Lucas at

Eric and Lucas at

The guys on Randy Blue go anywhere from totally straight to real gay and everywhere in between, actually most of them are in that in between stage, and it’s always changing. But you can’t get much more straight than Eric Blaine. Check out his live show and you’ll see that he knows what he likes and is not afraid to say it. He’s got a self-assured cockiness that a lot of gay men find really attractive. Randy thought it would be a lot of fun to have him get sucked off by our other resident southern boy, Luckas Vick.

Eric and Lucas at

Eric and Lucas had actually met when Lucas was doing his live show and Eric just happened to be hanging around the studio. Lucas had a little emergency and was going to be late for the show, so Eric jumped in so our audience would still have a hottie to chat with. Later that night, the boys got down to business.

Apr 03, 2008 By Ken 19 Comments

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