Erection ’08: Kids Say The Darndest Things!

Recently, the homphobic bigots at Yes On 8 featured the above commercial with the implicit argument “Think of the children!” Oh yes, gay marriage’s first goal is to confuse their young minds until they don’t know whether to marry someone of the same sex, a zoo animal, or a Black and Decker drill. Luckily, the parody of this commercial skewers it in it’s own asinine petard (see below).

It’s laughable how slippery the fearmonger’s own reasoning is. This commercial reasons correctly that the same logic could come back to bite them in the ass… and deservedly so, disenfranchising all those hardworking LGBT Americans who just want to live and love as everyone else—how shameful! Thank goodness, that today the Superintendent of California’s schools stepped up and called BS on this mean-spirited and misleading campaign (see below).

Gay marriage has nothing to do with indoctrinating children or changing education—it has everything to do with civil rights! If Proposition 8 passes in California, it’ll set the American gay rights movement back about 10 years. Passing gay marriage would guarantee more positive portrayal of LGBTs in the media, it would help community backlash against discrimination and violence fueled by sexual orientation, and it would help international LGBT rights worldwide.
Though Yes on 8 only has a slim lead for the time being, Election Day is only 12 nights away. We need your help right now! If you can, please donate to Equality California or No On 8—it’s easy, it’s simple, and it’ll make a world of difference. Even a modest donation could help swing undecided voters to cast a vote for marriage equality that would change the lives of gay couples around the world.
If you haven’t had enough outrage, go after the jump to see some brainwashed children singing in favor of eliminating the rights of gay to marry… someone call Child Protective Services!

Alrighty, I hate the big purple bastard as much as anyone (I mean he’s annoying… and I’m sure that die-hard conservatives, who think God hid the dinosaur bones as a way to test us, have a problem with the mythical creatures getting all touchy-feely with their kids. Someone get us a priest over here to give these kids some TLC just like the Catholic and Mormon churches intended!). But at least Barney’s song is humane, if not repetitive. Too bad some hatemongers below ruined it for their kids…

Child abuse, plain and simple. Can someone tell these parents where the hell all these gay kids came from anyway? Hopefully these innocent kids will grow up to vote Libertarian or Green Party… that’ll really piss the folks off.

Oct 24, 2008 By paperbagwriter 4 Comments