Sam Adams, Gay Mayor Robs Beau’s Cradle

Sam Adams, Gay Mayor Robs Hot Cradle
Portland, Oregon is the largest U.S. city with an openly gay mayor. The dorky but handsome 45-year-old Sam Adams (sworn in January 1st), recently admitted to having had a two-month sexual relationship in 2005 with then 18 year-old former staffer, Beau Breedlove. Yes, Beau Breedlove… you can’t make a name anymore soap opera than that, folks. Actually, taking a look at Beau, we can understand why Sam dropped trou. We can also understand Beau’s attraction… Sam’s got these great blue eyes and dorks tend to make good lovers (all that repressed sexual energy normally spent battling orcs online).
OK, so 18’s considered legal and dating a guy 27 years younger than you doesn’t make you a cradle robber—it’s just sour grapes on our part. We wonder, if power’s just an aphrodisiac or if Sam’s just got game to snag a studly teen like Breedlove. We wouldn’t mind an evening with either one of them! But until we can seduce our own teenager of our own, we’ll have to visit QC Twinks to shoot a load over a fine young thing of our choosing. You can also read a 2007 letter from Adams denying the relationship here, listen to Adam’s somewhat garbled radio interview, and see a local news report on the admission after the jump…!
Thanks to AfterElton for the pics.

Jan 21, 2009 By paperbagwriter 8 Comments