QCA Art: Moxy Hart Hot Artworks Include Reese Rideout

QCA Art: Moxy Hart
The attention to fabrics and surfaces in the drawings and paintings of Moxy Hart reveal his background in fashion and decor. To him, men are exemplary models of a smooth elegant design. He delineates their contours and adds in the value shading with extra attention. As a result, his models may look over-manicured or even Photoshopped, but he’s concentrating on their allure rather than their texture. He envisions men with the eye of a lover. If you’ve ever sat and watched your beautiful partner as he sleeps, appreciating his beauty of his natural curves as he slumbers in the weak light of your bedroom, then you understand Moxy’s approach.
We didn’t include all of Moxy’s sensuous images here because you really should check out his gallery. It includes lightboxes, lots of sketches, and even penis mobiles. Plus, while perusing the gallery, we happened to catch a drawing of Reese Rideout (bottom picture). Well, it seems like we know where Moxy gets some of his inspiration.
Hat tip: Beautiful Mag

Oct 14, 2009 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!

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