Is Active Duty’s David Deep In DADT Doodie?

Active Duty's David Deep In DADT Doodie?
Just yesterday, The Sword ran a story about Active Duty’s David, “a cummy power bottom” recently featured in Leatherneck magazine, magazine of the marines for acting in a museum film about the Battle of Belleau Wood:

The movie is part of a new exhibit set to debut soon at the National Museum of the Marines, and it’s a military production—right down to the actors. “For most of them,” the article states, “this is the first time they have ever acted.”

But at least one of the film’s young marine actors already has a few films under his belt. “David” (or Cpl. David as he’s known to the Marine Corps) has performed for the production company Active Duty

Active Duty’s military authenticity was already established in 2007, when a handful of its performers were discharged from the military after the brass discovered their fucky side gigs. Too bad the military didn’t fire David, the adorable bottom slut below, before they cast him in one of their glory-be-to-war films.

Other blogs who have covered this story have gotten poo-pooed by the commenters for outing a military man, though David basically outed himself when the big-dicked bottom started taking dicks on a porn site. Gay men sure do like to gosip, don’t they? We’re unsure if he’d end up getting nailed by “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, but if he does he could forgo his future as a career military man and make loads of money getting nailed by other servicemen. We’re sure his time deep in the barracks have taught him how to take care of his ass when he finds himself in a tight spot.
And that reminds us, if you or anyone you know is a closeted military personnel, we know a non-porn photographer who’d like to photograph you in a hotel room… no, really.
Active Duty’s David previously at QC:
Active Duty: Summer Recruits – David, Domenic and Brian
Active Duty: Conrad, Dorian, David, Chance
Active Duty: Conrad, Christian, David, and Spencer
Active Duty: Battle Cry – Payne, DJ, David, and Thomas

Nov 21, 2009 By paperbagwriter 19 Comments