Ask QC: Should I Worry About My Balls Getting Twisted?

I have a horror story that’s kinda funny. My brother has this friend who woke up one Thanksgiving morning feeling very ill. His balls and stomach hurt and even though he didn’t feel like eating, he joined his family at the dining room table. He felt hot and woozy and no sooner had he prepared his plate did he pass out face down into the mashed potatoes.

It turns out that one of his testicles had slowly wound its way around the other one and cut off circulation causing an extreme amount of pain. And while they rushed him to the emergency room to remove one of his balls, thieves broke into his family’s home and stole all of their Christmas presents—so his testicles ruined two family holidays!

I used to giggle about this story until I realized the same thing could happen to me. Lately my balls have been very sensitive and I sometimes worry that the same thing is happening to me. Is it? Are there any other reasons my balls should hurt so much? It’s not a case of blue balls nor have I been hit in the nuts anytime recently. I’ve read that it could be something called spermatorrhea, but I’m not sure.

Has anyone had a problem with achey balls? Is there any chance that one of my balls could be twisting around the other and I just don’t know it? How common is that anyway? I have real low hangers and wonder if one could easy wind around the other like a tetherball winding itself around a pole. Can that happen any old time?

Whoa, what a story! We feel bad for your brother’s friend and can understand why you would be worried about the same thing happening to you, especially if you’ve been laughing at that poor guy all these years—karma’s a bitch. But achey balls (whether blue balls or not) are no fun. So how about it, readers? Do you know why our advice-seeker might be experiencing pain? Have any of you gone through the same thing? And how likely is it that he might end up like his brother’s pal? We’ve never heard of anyone going through that, but maybe it’s more common than we think. Please share your experiences and advice in the QComments section!

May 30, 2010 By paperbagwriter 12 Comments