ActiveDuty: DJ, Kaden, Marshall and Taylor

active duty marshall taylor dj kaden
Things kick off with the usual bullshit and Dink teases Taylor about taking things further and he just grins. But once things are underway we learn that Taylor may have never sucked a cock before but he surely must have thought of it once or twice or practiced at least on his finger because this guy can suck a cock like nobody’s business. As soon as DJ pulls out his impressive piece of meat, Taylor starts the glancing.

active duty marshall taylor dj kaden
Everyone follows DJ’s lead and the pants and shorts come off. DJ quickly moves in and grabs Taylor’s huge cock and takes in his mouth as Kaden does the same for Marshall. The two newbies are kicking back, enjoying the ride. The look on Taylor’s face is priceless as DJ shows off his hard-earned skills on that thick dick of Taylor’s.

Feb 05, 2011 By Dave 2 Comments

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