Thursday’s Caption This! Contest Winners

Yet again our last Caption This! contest had so many great entries, that we had to pick more than just three! So here are your bi-weekly winners:

WINNER – Camp Fire Truth or Dare… next time pick TRUTH!!! (John Von)

2ND PLACE – Cock ring, $5.00, string, $1.00, Explaining to your parents why you need an emergency Sex Change…Priceless! (Paco)

3RD PLACE – The victim’s last words were, “LOOK AT THIS!” before a ball of fire hit the ground, causing a flash fire in the dry grass and igniting the trousers around his ankles. (SteveDenver)

1ST RUNNER UP – What’s really amazing, is how he puts it out (Btseven)

2ND RUNNER UP – Now THAT is what I call a ‘fire crotch’! (Josh)

As usual, we’re impressed by your fun, creativity, and sense of humor—don’t ever stop! And remember to join us tomorrow for a whole new competition. Thanks everyone!

Feb 27, 2011 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!