Top 10 QComments

It’s been a crazy week at QueerClick and you won’t believe the crazy QComments that have come in about Jake Shears’ jockstrap, Girth Brooks’ reluctance to take a dick, and the pubic regions of some of this week’s amateur studs. So why wait? Join us for a dip in the QComment pool—the water’s fine!

When we put up a picture of Scissor Sister’s frontman Jake Shears wearing a jockstrap, we never had any idea that it’d turn into a four-alarm QComment fire! But thanks to one firebrand named tony, it certainly did. tony began the QConvo by saying:

who is this? obviously not someone important since I don’t know him.

He will have HIV within the next year if not already.

Seen it happen, all these weho queens, especially all the porn stars and escorts have hiv.

You run in the wrong circle, you end up getting something you will regret.

Must have grown up with low self esteem

Troll much, Tony? Such outrageously uninformed QComments make us think he must be picking a fight. And we’d usually school him on his ignorant, presumptuous, and audacious remark here, but luckily the rest of you QCommenters already handled it. Enter Ro:

@Tony: You obviously don’t know shit about this guy. He’s in a committed relationship. He’s the lead singer of the scissor sisters: a group that has been known for their over-sexualization of everything. All of the things he has done have been publicity stunts and nothing more. To even suggest that somebody will end up with HIV, no matter what their lifestyle, is purely evil. As it is, he probably got paid to endorse the damn jockstrap. Everything this guy does is to help his group advance in the music community. They’re NOT mainstream… he knows what his audience likes and you shouldn’t judge them for it.

Well done Ro! But the QCommenters continued to pile on. Here comes Ukguy:

@Tony get a life you sad little man! Just because a guy is in a jock and posts pics he’s gonna get HIV really for f**k sake! Your probably a fat jealous old man! Jake Shears is a talented and great guy who makes up the great band scissor sisters! Love the pics Jake keep posting! We love you in the UK!

After a few rounds of “Toll the Troll” Tony began defending himself and managed to stir up some more trouble in the process.

@ukguy @ben @ro First of all I’m not old, I’m probably the youngest person here. Next, according to the article, he is making the weho rounds, with the weho porn stars and escorts, who contrary to popular belief most have hiv, and are hiding becuase of their porn career. I don’t care what group this guy is a part of, he is tragic. This is one reason I don’t hang out much in weho anymore, the tragic queens have taken over, even Abby sucks.

Oh Tony. All these unfounded generalizations when you don’t even know who Jake Shears is. Plus, you misspelled the “Abbey.” We really can’t take you seriously. And yet, Tony wasn’t alone in his disapproval of Mr. Shears as filigree also took his side:

I am very sorry to see this artist lowering himself to this level. One would think he would concentrate on his music instead of becoming a pornstar. Perhaps he is on drugs now, regardless, it is sad to see another gay musician fall by the wayside.

The QComment thread pretty much ended with several QCommenters mocking Tony and the young provocateur disappearing down his troll hole. With such great readers willing to keep rogue QCommenters in check, who needs moderators?

And then we have QCommenters who are completely antithetical to Tony—smart, well-informed readers able to clearly articulate their thoughts and really give us all something to think about. Take Aaron Cobbett for instance. He obviously enjoyed our Queerying with Slick It Up because after reading it, he made an insightful QComment about shame and desire:

Mixing humor with sex is a hallmark of the younger generations of gays. Guys that grew up closeted have always fetishized their oppressors, jocks, cops, military, anything that reminds them of the hot guys that beat them up in shcool. In a more tolerant world we are now able to add a little fun and color to our sexuality. Straights have been laughing at sex for centuries, time we caught up, no?

Come to think of it, some of us on Team Orange find ourselves lusting after the jocks and preps we thought would beat us up in high school. Athletes who dominate us with their strength and aggression, pushing their hard bodies and dicks up against us as we strain against their might grip… the smell of their sweat and spit as they threaten to make us suck them right before they fuck us hard.
Uh… what were we talking about again? Oh yeah, desire and shame. How many of you fellas agree? It’s interesting how even guys who love sex can discover aggression and fear guiding their passions rather than just good-natured enjoyment and fun. Of course, that’s why we’re all here, right? To share in our love of men, no matter the motivations.
Which brings us to Jareth. He loves his porn stars, especially Girth Brooks… or at least he used to. When he saw Girth Brooks’ latest scene he began musing about the fantasy and the sometimes disappointing reality when a porn star isn’t all you want them to be:

When I first saw him, I thought that he would probably be a pretty good gay pornstar, but after a year or two that hasn’t transpired. He never has taken a dick (Gay For Pay) or sucked one or really and truly kissed a man…a peck here and that is it. His time is up. His dick is a fat thing….I personally think it is a plump cock…he probably uses a dick pump alot as it has the look of a sucked cock but it is fat and hung and makes the ladies happy. I hope he gets married if he isn’t already and has a bunch of kids with that schlong. I think the other porn sites have pretty much put him on the back burner since he doesn’t do anything but fuck and cum.

Amen, Jareth. To be honest, we love Girth’s huge veiny cock and we love seeing him slip it in and out of the hot bottoms he loves to fuck, but we do wish he’d get more into the actual sex rather than just the penetration. That’s the problem with straight stars doing gay porn: not all of them can muster the physical desire, response, and connection to really fuck like we want. But who knows? Maybe Girth will see our QComments and start giving us more—we’d really hate to see him go out to graze having been a one-trick pony… or should we say, stud?
Rob also had his own critique of tattooed porn pup Logan McCree. Now that the all the drama over his move to Scotland has died down, we’re happy to see Logan back in porn doing some incredibly hot scenes. Not only did he flip-fuck Wilfred Knight, but he also had a sizzling scene bottoming for D.O.. Rob thinks Logan is hot, but he wonders how long his appeal can last:

Very hot now, but one day in the future (when he is no longer “porn-worthy”) he’s going to wake up, look in the mirror and say, “Maybe these tatoos weren’t such a good idea”.

We often look at other tattooed porn stars and wondered how good their nautical stars and colorful animals will look when they’re 50-years-old. We’ve seen enough faded, cellulite-riddled ink to know that tatts don’t always age well. But that’s why porn stars fade into obscurity, so we can remember them in their prime. Also, we have a feeling that Logan’s going to be a very sexy grandpa. Even when he’s using a walker, diapers, and a cane we’ll still probably want to hit that… sagging tattoos and all.
Meanwhile, WildChimera has another pet peeve: all the QueerClickers who go on and on about guys who have manscaped their pubes. It’s a damned if you do and damned if you don’t proposition; some readers will dislike you either way. So when a bunch of fellas kept commenting about the manicured crotch of Chaos Men’s Eric S., he finally snapped:

GOOOOOODDDD. That’s all you people ever talk about. Why are you all so desperate for pubic hair? Criticizing a perfectly beautiful guy when I’m sure most us can’t hold a candle to him is the epidemic. Not trimming a damn bush. I hope people reject you folks for being hairy beasts. Deal with it!

Personally, we like it when guys keep at least a little pubic hair, namely because it’s so soft like a bunny, fun to nuzzle, and traps the musky crotch scent of a man so well. But we wouldn’t toss a perfectly good porn performer in the dustbin just because he doesn’t have a wild, mangy bush. And porn lover who would… please bring them to OUR dustbin; we’ll handle them for ya.
Lastly, some of you QCommented on the exquisite penis of Sean Cody’s Robert. What wasn’t to love? It was long, luscious, and delicious. It also had a small skin bridge connecting his plump head to his shaft. um noticed and took the opportunity to educate us.

I had three skin bridges, although my doctor called them phimoses. I had them snipped and there’s no sign of them now. But I wish I hadn’t been circumcised to begin with. #themoreyouknow

Actually, phimoses refers to a condition when you cannot peel your foreskin over the head of your cock, and you don’t really need to use Twitter hashtags in our QComments, but it’s all good! Thanks for the anatomy lesson, um.
And with that, this week’s Top 10 QComments concludes. Thanks as always to all our wonderful QCommenters. We love reading over each and every one of them, even when they start trouble (especially when they start trouble).

May 17, 2011 By paperbagwriter 2 Comments