CockyBoys: Spencer Fox and Jimmy Clay

cockyboys spencer jimmy
Spencer and Jimmy went out one night and things got a little rough. Jimmy pretty much ended up riding Spencer’s cock all night long and CockyBoys is not sure he even knew what he was doing. We guess to him it’s just one of those things he needs to do before he goes to bed or he just doesn’t feel right. So in the morning he woke up next to Spencer who was still hungry for more of Jimmy’s ass and Jimmy wasn’t really down for it since his hole was still recovering from the night before.

cockyboys spencer jimmy
When a cockyboy wants an ass to fuck – he gets it. It’s just how it is. So Jimmy’s ass ended up taking it again. Of course. They ended up flip-fucking just to make sure both holes were equally sore. We don’t need to tell you how the rest of the day was spent… Those two just don’t know when to stop and we are pretty sure if you went to CB’s guest room right now they might still be there fucking. Ah, what a life!

Jul 05, 2011 By Dave 2 Comments

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