ActiveDuty: Rusty

activeduty rusty
Rusty is 20 years old, stands around 6′ and weighs 160lbs. He enjoys playing the guitar and drums and says he’s a pretty good country singer that can sing karaoke pretty damn good. He says people tell him all the time that he should go on “American Idol” and he just laughs. Well he might not make it to “American Idol” but we’ve got something even better.

activeduty rusty
He takes his pants off to free up his movement and continues the ass show. Dink is egging him on the entire time telling him all the things Tate was doing for the camera. Rusty isn’t one to be outdone and he’s working the camera good. Thank goodness this ain’t “American Idol.”

Aug 06, 2011 By Dave 11 Comments

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