My Straight Buddy: Motel Wrestling

my straight buddy motel wrestling

Nick and Trevor are best friends who went through bootcamp together and are now stationed together. MSB hadn’t seen them since they got sent to their new post so they were in a mood to party. They decided to head to the nearest town for some spring break action and not finding any, they went to a strip club before ending up back at their motel room with a lot of excess energy.

my straight buddy motel wrestling

These two hot straight marines have fucked girls together as well as seeing each other in the shower after PT almost every day, so they don’t think nothing of having their cocks out around each other. Marines like to groundfight, which is a lot like wrestling but without any rules, the only object is to win. With a little encouragement from Nick’s girlfriend (OK she was his fuckbuddy but she was the one with the car so she came with … she’s not in the video at all though, Joe edited her out completely) pretty soon Trevor and Nick are rolling around on the ground, across the beds, and everything else trying to beat the shit out of each other, but in the most friendly way.

Feb 17, 2012 By Dave 6 Comments

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