Bel Ami: Scandal in the Vatican

Bel Ami: Scandal in the Vatican
Today we have the first scene from our Vatican project where the Kinky Angels team (featuring Kevin Warhol, Jack Harrer, Andre Boleyn, Adam Archuleta, and Jaco Van Sant) follow Trevor back to his place to see if they can create their own little scandal. And boy did they milk out some holy juice

Bel Ami: Scandal in the Vatican
Don’t think we’ve ever seen Trevor look better, or more animated, with the full attention of six Kinky Angels. Also it was obviously a total turn-on for him, with that huge masculine cock standing effortlessly at full, mature attention, his only size competition coming from Jack Harrer.
Bel Ami: Scandal in the Vatican
Yet Andre Bolen stole the show with his sperm-shooting finale, bringing a final smile to Trevor’s face and appreciation from all.

Sep 20, 2012 By scotchtape 13 Comments

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