James Franco’s New Film Takes a Stab at Leather Bars

James Franco is at it again. In collaboration with filmmaker Travis Matthews, Franco has a new film in the works which explores the underside of gay New York’s leather scene. The film is titled “Interior. Leather Bar” and pays tribute to the 1980 thriller “Cruising,” starring Al Pachino. Official trailer after the jump.

What do you guys think?
Undeniably gorgeous though he is, I’m a little weary of James Franco. The Oscar nominee strains tirelessly to prove his eccentricity to the rest of the world. His career over the past several years looks extremely calculated, and borderline offensive given that his supposed “weirdness” is usually built on the back of queer culture.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m intrigued by the film, and I can’t deny that Franco is a talented filmmaker. I just wish that he weren’t so fixated on gay culture in a way that appears touristy and feels more than a little cheap. We’re not a flavor of the week; hop off our collective dicks, Franco!

Dec 20, 2012 By will 3 Comments