Chaos Men: Spiro

Chaos Men: Spiro
Chaos Men is always on the lookout for hot ‘daddy’ type guys. Spiro is almost 33, and has a touch of grey in his hair. He is in amazing shape, and has that mature daddy look many should find appealing.
He has a thick country accent, with a slow southern drawl. He seems pretty unsure about doing this whole porn thing, but is interested in exploring more. He says he has not ever done anything with a dude before, and we kinda believe him.

Chaos Men: Spiro
Spiro has a quiet demeanor, but is a little bossy in bed. We’re hoping he will come back and embrace his daddy look, and maybe take on some of the young whipper-snappers in a bossy way.
Chaos Men: Spiro
Next week he does a Serviced video and you can see a hint of him taking charge, but for now, he is new to all this and is working his way through his limits.
Stay tuned for more Spiro!

May 27, 2013 By Jo 17 Comments

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