Drama In Porntown: Mike Dozer (“Condoms Are For Pussies”) Charged With Rape of 14 Year Old
Bareback porn actor Mike Dozer (real name Christopher Steele, pictured above wearing his notorious “Condoms are for pussies” tank top while in the locker room with his scene partner Charlie Harding) was arrested last December on charges of statutory rape after he fucked a 14 year old guy he met on dating app Jack’D. Now, charges of reckless endangerment have been added to Dozer’s troubles, since he neglected to tell his underage partner that he was infected with HIV.
According to the Philadelphia Gay News, Dozer drove to meet the boy at his house in Montgomery County, PA, for the purpose of having sex. Dozer’s lawyer, Kevin Wray, claims his client “attempted to end relations” with the boy after learning he was underage. But the boy, he says, “kept pursuing him and apparently had done so with others.” Wray believes Dozer, who is currently being held in a Montgomery County prison on $1 million bail, did disclose his HIV status before having sex and believes the additional reckless endangerment charge is “homophobic”:
It bothered me a great deal and seemed to be offensive. He takes medication and is constantly moderating it. Charging someone with [reckless endangerment] because they are HIV-positive is homophobic and ignorant. We don’t go to people who have herpes, colds, Strep throat and charge them. If that is the standard, they need to be indicting everybody. It’s amazing that, 35 years later, the public is still oblivious to the simple fact that HIV does not equal AIDS.