Ask QC: Is it normal to have clear secretions from my anus when I get aroused?

Ask QC

Hello guys,

I’m gay with an active sex life for almost 10 years now, I love sex and I can play both roles – sometimes I prefer to be top sometimes to be bottom.

The last 2-3 years something weird has started happening, when I get sexually aroused and I’m aiming to be bottom my body starts secreting some clear fluid from my ass. It’s usually as clear as water, with no odor but sometimes it is just like pre-cum.

Sometimes the amount is really small but yesterday I was flirting with a guy and felt like I needed to go to the toilet. When I sat and tried to shit, it was just from this liquid and the amount was quite a lot, about a full table spoon.

Do you think this is normal or do I need to go to some M.D?



Hi Dennis and thanks for writing in with your question and concerns. While QC can’t give any actual specific medical advice, we would always recommend a professional consultation for any medical concerns such as this. That said, there may well also be readers here who have experienced this too. So dear QC readers, what tips and advice can you offer Dennis? If you can help him in any way, then please share your wisdom and advice for all in the QComments section!
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Oct 06, 2014 By Tim 7 Comments