Queer Clicks: August 26, 2016 | Anderson Cooper Attempts a ‘Bro Hug’ with Stephen Colbert, Hate-Watch the First Trailer for Finding Prince Charming , & Other Mysteries

Jean-Baptiste Regnault, Education of Achilles (1780-1790)

20 Gay Greek Gods

“A gay cupbearer on Mount Olympus? Male lovers in the Trojan War? While tolerance is often presented as a sign of civilization’s advancement, a reading of Greek mythology reveals greater acceptance of homosexuality in ancient Athens than can be boasted within today’s world religions. These LGBT Greek gods and demigods prove gay culture is no modern invention.” Advocate

Anderson Cooper Attempts a ‘Bro Hug’ with Stephen Colbert

“Anderson Cooper joined Stephen Colbert after Colbert awkwardly threw to him in the Green Room while Anderson was enjoying a Bud Light and a piece of bread.

Anderson later joined Stephen on the couch and Stephen tried to help Anderson overcome his discomfort with “bro-hugs”.” Towleroad

Hate-Watch the First Trailer for Finding Prince Charming

“Gays can get married now, so a gay dating show is obviously a step in the right direction, right?

Logo’s newest reality series could either be totally groundbreaking or a complete disaster. Finding Prince Charming is the first Bachelor-esque dating show that features an entire cast of gay men.” Out.com

My Name is Gary I’m 34, I Am an Entrepreneur, a Homosexual and a Homophobe.

“When people find out I am gay, I often get asked the same question, ‘How long have you been gay for?’ And I wonder, are they asking about when I realised I was attracted to the same sex? Or when I actually came out?

Or, is less delicate than that? Maybe their asking when I decided? Or was I born gay? Can you really be born a gayby? I don’t even remember being born my gender let alone my sexuality.” Gay Times

Aug 26, 2016 By Dave 5 Comments