Queer Clicks: November 27 | Peter Berlin, Retired gay Porn Star and Selfie Pioneer, Thinks you Work too Much, Queer Like Pete, & Other Clicks

Peter Berlin, Retired gay Porn Star and Selfie Pioneer, Thinks you Work too Much

Berlin starred in the 1973 film Nights in Black Leather, a deadpan German in distinctive tight leather or sailor-boy looks, the bulge always prominent, who became friends with Robert Mapplethorpe and Andy Warhol, but never rose to their level of fame. Instead, he’s spent much of the last 40 years, by his own account, watching TV in his apartment in San Francisco. The Cut

Queer Like Pete

As Pete Buttigieg rises in the polls in early caucus and primary states like Iowa and New Hampshire, criticism of the candidate has mounted, particularly around his personality. Since entering the field, initial appreciation for the South Bend, Indiana, mayor’s relative youth and rolled-sleeves Midwestern energy has given way to a sense in certain incredulous quarters that he is robotic, overly polished, McKinsey-calculating, somehow fake. Slate

Watchmen Star Jovan Adepo on Playing the World’s First gay, Black Superhero

Long before HBO’s Watchmen series took shape, devout fans of the original graphic novel were speculating about the identity of Hooded Justice, the man who, in the comics, started the wave of costumed crime-fighting. GQ

Red Cross Pushes for Lowering Restrictions on Blood Donations From gay and bi Men

It has called on the FDA to lower the ban from one year to three months after last sexual contact with another man. New Now Next

Nov 27, 2019 By Dave 1 Comment