Ryan Rose Tries to Reignite His Twitter War with Josh Moore. Other Models Weighed In!

Ryan Rose Tries to Reignite His Twitter War with Josh Moore. Other Models Weighed In!

This comes after Ryan realizes that Josh blocked him. He then called Josh a “PUSSY ASS BITCH”.

The heat is on, yet again, between Falcon Studios models Ryan Rose and Josh Moore. In a deleted tweet, Ryan blasted Josh by calling him a “PUSSY ASS BITCH”, all capital letters, then went on a rant. Look:

Ryan Rose Tries to Reignite His Twitter War with Josh Moore. Other Models Weighed In!

It did not take long for fellow model Cade Maddox to chime in and call Ryan‘s statements “unnecessary” while keeping it classy.

Ryan then responded to Cade with another long rant which he also later deleted. Too late because those tweets may have caught Calvin Bank‘s attention already so he took screenshots of them, posted them while calling Ryan‘s responses “disgusting”.

It was worth noting that back in December 2019, director Tony Dimarco announced his project “Califuckinfornia” on Twitter tagging its casts including Josh and Ryan. Then Josh replied a dedicatory tweet to the director saying that it was an honor for him to lead the cast.

Ryan Rose Tries to Reignite His Twitter War with Josh Moore. Other Models Weighed In!

This did not sit well with Ryan saying “NO ONE LEADS ME EVER!”:

Now back to the more recent Twitter jab exchanges, here’s what Josh Moore has to say:

Looks like we’re not getting an orgy scene starring all the men involved here anytime soon. But what can you say about this sitch among Falcon hunks? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!

Aug 05, 2020 By Miguel 6 Comments

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