Greyson Lane Shared A Lengthy Statement About His Take on Gay Culture

Greyson Lane Shared A Lengthy Statement About His Take on Gay Culture

Looks like the adult performer wants a complete reset this 2021. That includes getting rid of the infamous toxicity brought to us by the gay culture.

Model Greyson Lane has this to say about the culture most gays are loathing but at the same time, a part of. From body shaming to narcissism, the model did not hold back from touching every aspect that makes gay culture unsafe for others.

Lane took to Twitter and posted a series of tweets pertaining to the subject starting with how some aspects of the subculture are unrelatable for him.

Greyson Lane Shared A Lengthy Statement About His Take on Gay Culture

Greyson wanted a safer space for all, especially the queer men who need to be treated kindly by fellow queer men. Seems like it’s a wonder for him why some gay men like to drag each other down.

Greyson Lane Shared A Lengthy Statement About His Take on Gay Culture

Lane is still hopeful that changes are going to come. It’s gonna take ages but he’s trying to initiate it as early as now for its full potential in the future.

Greyson Lane Shared A Lengthy Statement About His Take on Gay Culture

Do you agree with his statement? Have you had any firsthand experiences of toxicity within the community? Tell us your thoughts in the comments section below!

Jan 06, 2021 By Miguel 6 Comments

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