Chaos Men: Shaun and Vance – RAW

Chaos Men: Shaun and Vance - RAW
Shaun suggested from the outset that he thought he should bottom first, ostensibly because he didn’t think he could stay hard enough to top. Does this make someone Born to Be a Bottom?
In his case, we kind of think so. Like Degan, he tends to bliss out and gets full-on rock hard once he is finally getting fucked.

Chaos Men: Shaun and Vance - RAW
Shaun even thought he could cum while being fucked. Vance hammered him and they fucked with fast-paced precision for quite a while. Eventually Shaun requested a slow pace, and that did the trick. He was spilling a giant load in no time.
Vance adds his load to Shaun’s load, making for a lot of baby batter!

Nov 20, 2009 By Ken 2 Comments

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