Chaos Men: Joshua and Tobin – RAW

Chaos Men: Joshua and Tobin - RAW
Tobin Tops! Every video he gets more and more confident and actually enjoys getting fucked now too!
This was Joshua’s first sex film, and he was all set to to top. But as the video progressed and Tobin’s cock was standing up, Chaos Men lamented that it would be a shame to waste using his big tool. Joshua, although not jumping for joy in anticipation of being speared by Tobin’s cock, actually volunteered to bottom for one position. Joshua was very realistic about it. He wants to keep working, and knows that when a guy only tops, it is dang hard for Chaos Men to keep finding guys for them to fuck.
So he was game for bottoming, despite not having a couple days mental preparation that most of the guys go through.

Chaos Men: Joshua and Tobin - RAW
Tobin’s dick is long and if it is even the slightest bit wobbly, has has to keep his hand bracing it. Though, after a minute or so, he gets the motion going, and is topping handsfree!
On top of all this topping, Joshua learned he can cum while being fucked. So he will be a versatile player in the future.
And Tobin is ready to take on anything (except a load to the mouth! That’s hard for all of them!)

Jul 04, 2011 By Jo 12 Comments

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