Profile Picture Apollo (ChaosMen)

Apollo (ChaosMen)

There are 2 posts for Apollo (ChaosMen), the oldest from November 11, 2013.

Chaos Men: Apollo – Serviced

Chaos Men: Apollo - Serviced
Finishing up Monster Cock Week with a rather thick piece of meat!
Apollo initially was very concerned about getting head from a guy. He debated doing the oral video, and only wanted to fly to Austin to do the solo. So they talked a bit, texted, emailed, and he finally came around to receiving head.
His solo, as you know from yesterday, went very well, and it gave him a lot of confidence to work with a dude. Bryan had set the shoot up to be the standard “lay on your back and watch your porn” instead of a side-by-side, but when Apollo saw how he had the room configured, he thought it would be strange and he said he would likely be fine if Glenn took his cock out too. Just no sucking back! Props to him for pushing his limits given how sketched out he was in the first place.

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03 Nov 13 By Jo 4 Comments

Chaos Men: Apollo

Chaos Men: Apollo
With Troi being prominently featured on the site 3 times during Monster Cock Week, Bryan thought he would do the same with Apollo. Variety is great, but packing their videos in does give a sense of ‘tune in each day’ type of feeling.
Apollo was pretty sketched-out about flying in to get his dick sucked. He was fine with the solo, but got convinced to at least get head while there. So stay-tuned for that video tomorrow.

Continue with “Chaos Men: Apollo”

02 Nov 13 By Jo 7 Comments