Profile Picture Damien 2 (CorbinFisher)

Damien 2 (CorbinFisher)

There are 2 posts for Damien 2 (CorbinFisher), the oldest from October 10, 2023.

Corbin Fisher: Damien – Came With a Toy

Corbin Fisher: Damien - Came With a Toy

At ease in front of the cameras at CorbinFisher, Damien is a self-assured, graceful, athletic, and attractive young man.

During his introductory solo, Damien discusses his love for running and competitive sports, which is evident as he was an outstanding track athlete in school. He becomes animated and enthusiastic about it, and it’s really attractive to watch how engrossed he is in it all!

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18 Oct 23 By Jo Write a comment!